Sweet Candy

Today, we wanted to share how thrilled we are with Candy’s progress. For the first time since her arrival, Candy has begun to be more active, enjoys spending time around some other dogs, and has even discovered that although she has no teeth at all, she can enjoy a Bully Stick in her own way.

Rescued from a hoarding type situation, little Candy is blind, deaf, and covered in masses. Regardless of this, her will to live is amazing! Although little Candy is considered a hospice due to her serious medical issues, to us she is another beautiful special needs senior soul who did not deserve to die in a shelter.

We made sure Candy received the immediate emergency care she needed and we have begun giving her the proper medications, supplements and diet in order to help her feel her best. We will make sure she continues to receive the expert care she needs and deserves. 

Although we cannot change her past or take away the pain she must have felt, the day Candy arrived in Sanctuary was the beginning of her healing and her journey to enjoy the life she never had. 

For those not familiar with Candy’s arrival to our Sanctuary, please head over to:


With you by our side, we can give Candy and many more seniors like her a fighting chance to have the opportunity to live out their golden years to the fullest.

This is what we do here at Paws Give Me Purpose.