The Veterinarian called last night after surgery to let us know that it was successful. He was able to repair the torn muscle, clean out the blood under the skin and had to remove a large portion of necrotic tissue which is being sent to the lab for testing.
This morning were informed that they had been attempting to offer food and Spirit was not eating. Due to some of her normal issues, including fear of strangers, being in the hospital environment was not helping.
He asked that we bring her food, as she is used to eating homemade dog food and stated he felt it may be best to send her back to Paws Give Me Purpose for the remainder of her supportive care. He would instruct us on how to drain the pump that has been installed to continuously drain the blood.
We just returned from the specialty hospital with Spirit. The surgical bill alone is $3,524.71. That is in addition to all the other Emergency care.
We open our hearts to you to plead you help continue to help Spirit as well as all of the other pups here in Sanctuary that depend on us. Spirit is a bright, energetic girl with her whole life ahead of her. Asking for money is not an easy thing to do, but we can not afford all of these medical bills and need your help!