Remembering Tiny Tina

With shattered hearts we inform you all of the passing of our beloved Tiny Tina. Tina gained her Angel wings peacefully, on her own terms, in her sleep, knowing nothing but love, kindness, compassion, and dignity.  

Tiny Tina strutted through our Sanctuary doors on her tippy toes, she walked as if she was always wearing high heels. She wanted everyone to notice her, she’d walk around and wiggle her little self into everyone’s heart. 

Tina arrived at our Sanctuary in December of 2022 from the Town of Babylon Animal Shelter. She had been found on the streets and her condition was deplorable. She was extremely fragile and covered in masses. We thought her time with us was going to be extremely short, but she proved all of us wrong. 

She was spunky, happy, her will to live like no other! Her energy was contagious and she had a very strong heart for a dog her age – and at over 20 years, she loved men. 

As soon as this tiny flirt walked through our doors, we knew she’d be trouble but in a good way. She instantly became popular with all the small breed male dogs and would wiggle her tiny self around them. 

Tina had 2 nicknames here at the Sanctuary: one of them was chicken feet, because she had bare, tall, skinny legs like a short hair Chi, while her body had this glorious silky terrier hair. Her more important nickname was “the black widow” a joking term of endearment because Tina had what we called husbands, and she had 5 of them. Prior to her own passing, she herself had helped escort them all through their own peaceful passings.

To us, her purpose, to bring comfort to hospice dogs who she sensed were leaving this world next. She cuddled up to them daily until their final moments and then would move on to the next one. The first time we thought it was random but this happened a total of 5 times. 

After helping escort husband number 5 to the bridge, she began to sleep alone in her own bed nightly. Perhaps it was because her job was finished, or maybe she could sleep better alone now because of all the life insurance she collected. Whatever the case, she left this world very loved, happy, and has now been reunited with her many men. 

Every dog that walks through our doors truly has something special about them; Tina was one of a kind, a force to me reckoned with, tough as nails, but sweet on the inside.  She was a true Angel who walked this earth and her loss has left a gaping hole here like no other, she is greatly missed. 

You will always live on in our hearts Tina – you were taken way too soon. We were blessed to have known and been able to love you with our whole hearts. We miss you more than words can express, but are grateful for all the love and joy you brought into our Sanctuary. You will always live on in our hearts and at Paws Give Me Purpose Sanctuary forever.

We know that each and every one of you share this loss with us and we thank you for being a support to us during this time.

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