Remembering Socks

It is with the deepest sadness we inform you we helped precious Socks gain his Angel wings. He left this earth peacefully, knowing nothing but kindness, compassion, love and dignity. 

Cancer, such an ugly word, is what ultimately took over and Socks’ quality of life quickly deteriorated. This is one of those gut wrenching decisions that we sometimes have to make, but also a loving kindness that Socks deserved. 

Named for the little white socks he looked like he was wearing, Socks stole the hearts of every single dog and human that ever met him. 

Socks arrived at our Sanctuary back in July of 2022; his prognosis was very grim. An enormous ruptured tumor was attached to his upper thigh and we honestly believed we were too late to help him. But his resilience and strong desire for life showed us just how much he wanted this second chance so badly. 

At the time, surgery successfully removed the mass, but margins weren’t great and he was diagnosed with soft tissue Sarcoma. It was a high grade cancer that was fast growing and was more likely to spread. We had no idea how long he had been suffering this way but we knew he was going to live every day here to the fullest; that is just what he did. Socks outlived his 6-8 month prognosis in style. 

Socks was every dog’s friend, one of the sweetest, most gentle boys to ever come through our doors.  All he wanted was to be loved and spent most of his time with his best friend Snorkel, who passed away in May of 2023 and his little girlfriend Dot. The three of them were inseparable; they did everything together. When Snorkel passed, Socks was glued to Dot’s side even more and became very protective of her and the space they shared. No one was allowed to get near Dot without Sock’s permission. Goes to show you that you’re never too old to fall in love. 

In addition to his soft and protective side, Socks also had a sly streak in him. He knew just how to manipulate us humans to get what he wanted by using the cutest facial expressions. We could never resist and always indulged him; after all, he deserved it. His favorite snacks were honey goat cheese and shredded chicken. When he wanted a lap from a staff member or a volunteer, he took it and claimed them for his own, not wanting to share his current person with any other dog. Socks was a beautiful package of both the sweet and spicy behavior, and we loved him for it. 

Nothing will ever be the same here at Paws Give Me Purpose without Socks. As is with each passing, dynamics and schedules change. Socks was a ray of sunshine here at the Sanctuary and he is greatly missed. 

Socks leaves behind his beloved Dot who since his passing has been moved into a new grouping of dogs and they have become her source of comfort. 

You will always live on in our hearts Socks; you were taken way too soon. We were blessed to have known and been able to love you with our whole hearts!

Socks 2010-2024