Remembering Sassy

It is with the heaviest of hearts that we share the news that our beloved Sanctuary resident, Sassy has gained her Angel wings. 

Although she suffered from countless medical issues, the timing was completely random. When it happened, she had a very bad seizure and passed in Sanctuary Mom’s arms knowing kindness, compassion, love, and dignity. 

Our little Miss Sassy Pants was truly one of a kind! While she was sweet, her sassiness is what earned her her name. The second she pranced through our Sanctuary doors, we knew she’d be trouble – but in a good way. 

Sassy arrived at our Sanctuary in October of 2023. She was a medical mess but you’d never have known it as nothing seemed to bother her. Like all incoming residents, upon arrival she was placed into our quarantine area and scheduled to be there for about a week to ten days to be sure she wasn’t carrying any illness with her from the shelter that was contagious. 

Well, this precious girl figured out fairly quickly how to escape her room and we would suddenly discover her walking around exploring, without a care in the world. And every time we put her back and made sure things were what we thought was more secure, there she was again – she just always wanted to be where the action was. We just couldn’t help but laugh as she would complain to us about being quarantined and just about everything else.

Baths, Vet visits, cardiology appointments, she’d complain about it all. At a mere 4 pounds, this tiny senior was very demanding and had a lot to say about everything; she was the true definition of sassy and we loved her for it.

We never really knew anything about Sassy’s prior life since she came in stray to the shelter and only had glimpses based on her behaviors and the neglectful condition she was abandoned in. She was a powerful little force and was respected by all the other dogs in her little clique. 

She wanted what she wanted when she wanted it, and wouldn’t keep quiet until we got it right. From food, to blanket choices, she kept us on our toes. She was our spoiled little old lady who’d waddle around the room with a smirk like look showing herself off for all to see as if to say “look at me, I got what I wanted”.

We gave Sassy her best life, loved her unconditionally just like every dog that walks through our Sanctuary doors and we indulged that sassy side of her too – after all she had been through, she truly deserved a wonderful second chance. 

We would like to acknowledge Sassy’s generous Sanctuary sponsor Cristina for assisting us with her care and helping give us the ability to provide her with everything she ever needed and then some. On behalf of little Sassy we thank you from the bottom of her little heart and ours.

Navigating loss is always difficult here at the Sanctuary because so many people and dogs are affected; although we may know that a dog’s life will be short from the start, it never gets easier. Every heart here is broken without Sassy; she had engraved her little heart on to all of ours and we will always carry her with us. 

Thank you Sassy, for sharing your strength and powerful nature with us all! We were blessed to have known and been able to love you with our whole hearts. 

Little Miss Sassy Pants 2010-2024 

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