As much as we hate sharing heartbreaking news, we wanted to inform you with the deepest sadness, our precious Jellybean has gained her Angel wings.
Jellybean suffered back-to-back grand mal seizures and even with urgent medical intervention, we were unable to get them to stop. Nonetheless, we made sure that in her last moments she knew nothing but kindness, compassion, love and dignity. We are completely shattered, and know you all share this devastating loss with us.
Jellybean was a very special soul who joined our Sanctuary family in October of 2024 after being found outside in the pouring rain on the streets of Baltimore by animal control. While she had several medical issues that were typical for a senior dog of her age, her seizures were most concerning. Since her history was a mystery, there was no way to know if this was a lifelong medical condition or not, but on medication she was doing very well until that fateful day.
She had long legs and a tiny body. She walked with grace and was one of the sweetest souls to enter our doors. Sometimes she looked as if she was very seriously contemplating doing something before she did it. She was serious, yet playful, and belly rubs were her favorite; she would see us coming and roll right over.
She immediately made herself at home, becoming a part of an exclusive group of small but mighty girls here at the Sanctuary and now everyone that loved her, both two legged and four, truly miss her presence. Like every dog that enters our Sanctuary doors, we gave Jellybean the best life daily and loved her unconditionally.
Navigating loss is always difficult here at the Sanctuary because so many people and dogs are affected; although we may know that a dog’s life will be short from the start, it never gets easier.
We would like to acknowledge little Jellybean’s generous Sanctuary sponsor Elizabeth for assisting us with her care and helping give us the ability to provide her with everything she ever needed and then some. On behalf of Jellybean, we thank you from the bottom of her little heart and ours.
Thank you Jellybean for sharing your strength with us all! We were blessed to have known and been able to love you with our whole hearts.