Special Hearts

Paws Give Me Purpose Inc. does not rescue for politics, fortune, or fame. We give the abused, neglected and the most unwanted souls a life; a chance to be loved, cherished and to learn that not all humans are unkind. 

The work we do here is not glamorous nor is it for the faint of heart, but it is truly the most rewarding part of canine rescue to us.

We are a licensed, State of NJ, no-kill, cage free Sanctuary. All of the dogs in our care live in a home setting. At Paws Give Me Purpose, care is provided 24/7. Our mission, to provide a bridge of care that supports senior, hospice and special needs dogs so they can live their lives to the fullest for no matter how long they are with us. 

We work closely with our Veterinary team to maintain a good quality of life for our Sanctuary residents and while we may often deal with heartbreak, helping dogs who no one else stepped up for during their time of need – the lives of those who otherwise would not have been is a part of our purpose.

Our days are filled with back-breaking hard work, painfully dry and cracked hands, moments of happiness, sadness and every emotion in between. In truth, this is emotionally painful work and truly takes people with special hearts. 

100% of all donations, big and small, goes directly toward the care of our Sanctuary residents; no one here gets paid, and not one penny is used toward operational expenses including maintenance of the building – we pay for all those expenses out of our own pockets. 

Although our staff is dedicated and knowledgeable, extra helping hands and hearts are necessary for the important work in which we are involved and our volunteers are the best of the best – some of the most special people in the world. How could they not be especially when the dogs that come through our doors are extra special themselves.

“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” – Elizabeth Andrew

Pictured above is one of our newest Sanctuary residents Chester. And although we have not had the chance to formally introduce his arrival, we can tell you he is so very special and deserving of this second chance at life. Stay tuned for his official arrival post. 

Sponsor Winter

Precious Winter is popping by on this fabulous Friday to say hello and let you all know that she is still in search of her very own Sanctuary sponsor.

Winter and her sister Autumn were rescued from a hoarding situation, and she dreams of the day that all the abused, neglected, and unwanted animals out there have a place to go where they feel safe and loved just as she does now.

Join our community of monthly donors and be a hero for our Sanctuary Residents. Your donations directly impact how many dogs we can save! Only with your help can we say yes to more special needs dogs like Winter.

Monthly donors and sponsors are our best friends and sustainers. They help each animal that comes to us with immediate and sometimes life-threatening needs.

Sponsor a Sanctuary Resident: https://www.pawsgivemepurpose.com/our-sanctuary-residents-1/

Remembering Jellybean

As much as we hate sharing heartbreaking news, we wanted to inform you with the deepest sadness, our precious Jellybean has gained her Angel wings. 

Jellybean suffered back-to-back grand mal seizures and even with urgent medical intervention, we were unable to get them to stop. Nonetheless, we made sure that in her last moments she knew nothing but kindness, compassion, love and dignity. We are completely shattered, and know you all share this devastating loss with us.

Jellybean was a very special soul who joined our Sanctuary family in October of 2024 after being found outside in the pouring rain on the streets of Baltimore by animal control. While she had several medical issues that were typical for a senior dog of her age, her seizures were most concerning. Since her history was a mystery, there was no way to know if this was a lifelong medical condition or not, but on medication she was doing very well until that fateful day. 

She had long legs and a tiny body. She walked with grace and was one of the sweetest souls to enter our doors. Sometimes she looked as if she was very seriously contemplating doing something before she did it. She was serious, yet playful, and belly rubs were her favorite; she would see us coming and roll right over. 

She immediately made herself at home, becoming a part of an exclusive group of small but mighty girls here at the Sanctuary and now everyone that loved her, both two legged and four, truly miss her presence. Like every dog that enters our Sanctuary doors, we gave Jellybean the best life daily and loved her unconditionally. 

Navigating loss is always difficult here at the Sanctuary because so many people and dogs are affected; although we may know that a dog’s life will be short from the start, it never gets easier. 

We would like to acknowledge little Jellybean’s generous Sanctuary sponsor Elizabeth for assisting us with her care and helping give us the ability to provide her with everything she ever needed and then some. On behalf of Jellybean, we thank you from the bottom of her little heart and ours.

Thank you Jellybean for sharing your strength with us all! We were blessed to have known and been able to love you with our whole hearts.

Meet Maggie

Our hearts broke when we received the urgent plea for help for a very special girl; we immediately took her under our wing and into our care.

We have named this precious soul Maggie, aka our little Magpie. She has suffered the ultimate betrayal of abandonment and because she suddenly went completely blind (which went unnoticed by those who promised to love her forever), she is more afraid and confused than ever. It is up to us to make things right for her – and we need YOUR help to do that. 

Maggie was originally adopted from the Voorhees Animal Orphanage a couple of years ago and was recently returned. Her adopter stated that she had too much anxiety, even though she knew she was a nervous dog when she adopted her. It was also stated she “couldn’t afford her medical care”. 

When Maggie arrived back at the shelter, she appeared to have some allergy issues, but otherwise looked fine. 

Unfortunately while in the shelter’s care, the kennel staff found her running around bumping into things,  blind in her kennel and having bloody diarrhea. Her blood sugar was sky high and she was diagnosed with DKA, Diabetic ketoacidosis. 

For those not familiar, DKA is a life-threatening complication of diabetes mellitus in dogs. It occurs when the body does not have enough insulin to use glucose for energy, leading to the accumulation of ketones in the blood and urine. 

The vet had the shelter immediately start insulin, but it was no place for her to get the proper care she needed; that’s when they reached out to us for help. 

Maggie arrived at PGMP on March 10, and immediately received and will continue to receive the very best medical care possible; we never settle for substandard care. 

Please open your hearts, help us fight to give Maggie the opportunity to live her best life daily – we cannot do this without YOU!


▪️PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=RKUHNPAA3ND3C

By Mail:
Paws Give Me Purpose Inc.
2 Jade Lane 
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002

Directly toward our Vet bills:
House Paws Mobile Veterinary Service 
(856) 234-5230