Found on the street alone, hopeless and crusted all over with feces, this senior soul ended up at a rural shelter wondering if anyone would ever come looking for him. Unfortunately, they didn’t, and that’s when we received the urgent plea for help.
Meet Milo, our newest Sanctuary resident. (freedom photos below) Estimated to be over 18 years of age this precious boy is blind, fragile both physically and mentally but his life matters and we will do whatever is necessary to help him.

Milo is sad, confused, and does not understand what has happened to him. He is NOT disposable. Milo deserves to live out his golden years in comfort, loved and spoiled as he should have been his entire life; we need your help to make that happen!
PLEASE donate to help Milo. If you are not in the position to donate we ask that you please share so this precious soul can have a wonderful second chance at life for as long as he is with us.
By Mail:
Paws Give Me Purpose Inc.
2 Jade Lane
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Directly toward our Vet bills:
House Paws Mobile Veterinary Service
(856) 234-5230