Look At Me Now

Hi everyone, it’s me, Angel, one of the Paws Give Me Purpose Sanctuary residents, also the oldest.

I’m just stopping in to share a wonderful update. I went to that scary place today, the Veterinarians office. Even though I was scared, I was a very good girl. I laid down nicely on the examining table for the Ophthalmologist. She removed the last of my stitches, and ran a few tests on my eye.

The Ophthalmologist said I looked great! My eye is no longer swollen, is healing well, is producing a normal amount of tears, and the best news ever is… I CAN SEE!

Thank you Dr. Mas for performing the original surgery and saving my eye. Thank you Dr. Vygantas, for caring for my eye and helping it heal properly.

Thank you Paws Give Me Purpose for giving me the expert medical care I need, a chance to live, to love, and a place to spend my golden years.

Thank you to all of you, for your generous support. Without supporters like you, Paws Give Me Purpose would not be able to give pups like me a chance. Because of you, I am alive today.

I did overhear that just my current Vet bills are in excess of $3000, so I am a asking that you please open your hearts and help give Paws Give Me Purpose the ability to continue to give me and all the rest of the Sanctuary pups the care we need.


PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/pawsgivemepurposeinc

Sponsor a Sanctuary resident: https://www.pawsgivemepurpose.com/our-sanctuary-residents-1/