Jellybean Update

Precious Jellybean is popping in this wonderful Wednesday to make you smile and give a brief update on how she is doing. 

While Jellybean presents with many medical issues, our main focus has been to help her gain some much needed weight and get her seizures under control.

She arrived extremely emaciated and malnourished; although she is eating a few small meals a day, her portion intake is just not enough; so we are supplementing. 

Because her history is a mystery, there is no way for us to know how long she has been having seizures; however, she has been experiencing grand mal seizures. We are working with our Veterinary Team and adjusting medications as needed in order to help keep her seizures under control – she is currently doing well. 

Above all else, we at Paws Give Me Purpose put quality of life first, and Jellybean most certainly has shown us her desire for life, for love and this second chance. 

Our promise to Jellybean is to provide her with a safe and loving environment for the rest of her life. 

If anyone ever doubts us, know that this is what we do at Paws Give Me Purpose.

Please continue to send positive thoughts and prayers Jellybean’s way. 

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