In Memory Of Hobbes

“Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.” – Vicki Harrison

It is with the most broken of hearts that we share the news that our oldest Sanctuary resident, Mr. Hobbes, has gained his Angel wings. Hobbes passed away peacefully on Monday with Sanctuary mommy by his side – just as he always wanted her to be. 

We have honestly been struggling with writing this tribute to our beloved Hobbes because so much has changed here without his presence. How do you even begin to say goodbye to a dog who lit up an entire Sanctuary just by being here? He loved his way into everyone’s heart, and has now left a gaping hole. Finding the right words has not been easy and trying to stop the tears from falling hasn’t either. 

We hope by sharing the legacy Hobbes has left behind that you all can see and understand why the work we do here is so rewarding and so important. We truly hope this memorial tribute does this beautiful soul justice. 

Hobbes lived 23 years and 87 days. He was born on March 10, 2000 and left this world knowing more love and kindness than he had ever known on June 5, 2023. Although many will read this and say that it was a great long life for a dog, Hobbes only began to live and know love after he and his brother Calvin arrived at our Sanctuary in April of 2020. 

Originally seized by the Houston Humane Society from a hoarding situation, dogs their age had little opportunity and we were asked to bring them into Sanctuary. Hobbes was both blind and deaf, and had lived a life of criminal neglect and deprivation with over 200 other animals for the majority of his life. We can only hope Hobbes’ short time here with us was enough to erase all the suffering and bad memories he endured leaving him only with the moments he enjoyed here with us. 

As a result of the neglect, both brothers had some pretty serious medical issues that needed to be addressed; this included 3 necessary dental surgeries for Hobbes so he could have a better quality of life – and he did. The rest was pretty much proper medical management, supplements, a healthy diet, and he thrived. 

We worried about the long transport trip from Texas considering their ages and conditions, but we took the chance in order to give them that second chance at life no one else seemed to want to give them. We can also vividly remember the exact words the transport driver uttered as he handed the boys over to us. “He was the best behaved dog on the trip” and he was pointing to our Hobbes. 

Without a doubt, our Hobbesie was truly a one in a million dog – THE most gentle dog to ever enter our Sanctuary doors. He was a true gentleman, extremely sweet and everyone, human and dog alike respected him. From the day he and his brother arrived they instantly bonded with Sanctuary mom and could not even be a second apart from her; so much so for the first weeks she slept on the floor with them in their decompression area and that continued until we were given the all clear from our Veterinary team that they were healthy enough to be around all the other dogs. Was it comfortable for Sanctuary mom? No, but it is what Calvin and Hobbes needed and so it was done. They became glued to Sanctuary mom and never left her side ever, until the day they left this earth. If she left the room for even a second, Hobbes would smell her absence and go looking for her. 

His will to live was simply amazing! Even in his final week of life he was forcing himself to get up. While he needed our help as his body became weaker, he still wanted to eat and try to trot around the senior center. You could see that he did not want to leave us, but his body was just no longer cooperating. 

Hobbes would wake up every morning with a smile on his little face, bright eyes and happily hop and prance around the senior center like a little pony while waiting for breakfast. We used to say he was doing his morning steps, he would also do this before dinner – his daily exercise. Out in the play yard, he would do his steps, then lay in the sun, sometimes nap in the sun right in the middle of the yard. All the other dogs would just have to run, play and bark around him and he wasn’t phased by that at all; being deaf, nothing bothered him while he was sleeping. He enjoyed doing some Doga, and very short walks with his brother down to our corner stop sign and back as he took such tiny steps. He enjoyed the grass under his little feet and it took forever to get to the corner, but it was worth it. 

We never denied Hobbes anything he desired. Honestly coming here to Sanctuary at such a senior age we had no idea how long he would be with us and we wanted him to enjoy every moment and everything his little heart desired. His favorite snacks were frozen vanilla custard, honey goat cheese, and homemade peanut butter balls made with cinnamon and oats. And even though Hobbes could not see his face would light up with sheer excitement at the simple smell of the oncoming treat. 

When Calvin passed away in May of 2022, we were extremely worried about Hobbes and how and if he’d be able to move forward and live without his brother. Bonded brothers for over 22 years, it was not an easy loss for him. Calvin was his eyes, ears and protector for so long we feared we would lose Hobbes too. After a period of mourning, Hobbes stepped outside his comfort zone and made new friends, bonding specifically with other blind dogs. They became a club here at the Sanctuary and whenever they were all gathered together we’d call it “the meeting of the blind” – they would all always gather in the very same hallway at least once a week and that moment did not happen this week at all; it’s just not the same without Hobbes. 

The dynamic, schedule, groove, dogs behaviors whatever you want to call it is off for everyone here, human and dog alike and it will never be the same simply because that one special dog took it with him along with many pieces of many hearts.

Hobbesie Bobbsie, you will forever be loved, never forgotten. Your unconditional and deep love was truly the greatest gift of all, thank you for being such an incredible part of our lives!

We were blessed to have known and been able to love you with our whole hearts. We miss you more than words can express, but are grateful for all the love and joy you brought into our Sanctuary. You will always live on in our hearts and at Paws Give Me Purpose Sanctuary forever.

We know that each and every one of you share this loss with us and we thank you for being a support to us during this time.

Calvin came and took Hobbes by the paw; Calvin and Hobbes are together once again. May your soul be happy and free on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge!

Hobbes March 10, 2000 – June 5, 2023

2 Replies to “In Memory Of Hobbes”

  1. ♥♥ many *tears for so many reasons are mine these days..
    no complaints..
    ..’tis my life..

    and I add this precious little boy HOBBES (Hobbsie Bobbsie) to my heart..
    ..and the sweet and sad *tears* that I send
    along with the endless love..
    ..beloved little boy..

    you and your darling friend CALVIN are forever together
    ..again and always..
    please know my love is with you both..

  2. Well little buddy your time has come to spread your angel wings and to make the other side of rainbow Bridge your new forever home . You will be forever remembered and never forgotten. We all shall see you again .

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