Hobbes Checking In

We never stop believing in hope, because miracles happen every day here at Paws Give Me Purpose!

Hobbes was due to have his second surgery in an attempt to close the fistula in his gums. We took Hobbes to the Vet this past Thursday for his pre-surgical blood work and exam to make sure he was in tip-top shape and to be certain this was still the right decision for him. 

We were so overjoyed to hear that not only had he gained some much needed weight, his blood work improved greatly for a dog of 20 years old. In addition to this, the fistula itself had healed up to a teeny tiny dot; so small that no surgery is necessary! To say our Veterinarian was stunned would be an understatement. 

We would like to think that the healthy homemade diet, natural homeopathic vitamins, supplements, and treatments did the healing all by itself. But in our hearts, we know it’s the love and TLC Hobbes receives every minute of the day from our volunteers and staff here at the Sanctuary. 

Blind and deaf, Hobbes has endured a life of extreme criminal neglect, he is now living his best life daily with unconditional love for the rest of his life! 

If anyone ever doubts us, know that this is what we do at Paws Give Me Purpose.