We need your help, and we need it now!
With Paws Give Me Purpose Sanctuary already at capacity and with low medical funds, we had closed intake. We were seriously focusing on paying off bills and rebuilding our medical fund and working hard to make sure that the dogs here in Sanctuary have all their needs met. That has to be our priority!
But, when a volunteer reached out to us on Friday pleading for help at 3:30pm from a high kill municipal shelter that these three senior dogs, who no one else wanted, only had until 5pm before they were euthanized, our hearts would not let us say no.
While we hate to continue to ask for money, we know that in order to sustain operations and help these dogs, it is what we must do.
We ask that you please open your hearts and send your most generous gift to help us with their urgent medical care. No amount is too small.
PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/pawsgivemepurposeinc
I hope you can keep the three senior dogs together.
Sending love and hugs to all the fantastic people who work at Paws Give Me Purpose!