Goodbyes Never Get Any Easier

Sometimes, Paws Give Me Purpose is that special place where dogs come to cross that bridge with dignity and love…

Our promise was to provide him with a safe and loving environment for the rest of his life and we kept that promise. 

Gonzo passed on his own terms, peacefully in Sanctuary moms arms; although we knew when he arrived that Gonzo’s time with us would be very short, his life was very important to us. 

We did everything we possibly could to help him and really thought he would have had more time with us, but his little body could not keep up with his will to live. The crushing reality is that sometimes it’s too late to heal these precious beings from the lifetime of neglect and abuse no matter how hard we try.

In the 3 and a half weeks that Gonzo was here in Sanctuary, this beautiful soul knew nothing but love and learned that not all humans are unkind. He was one of the sweetest, most gentle boys ever and we will never be able to understand how anyone could have mistreated him so badly and then tossed him away.

You will always live on in our hearts Gonzo – you were taken way too soon. We were blessed to have known you! You will forever be a part of us and live on in our hearts. 

We would like to acknowledge Gonzo’s generous sponsor, Windy for assisting us with his care and for helping give us the ability to provide him with everything he needed to live out his remaining days here in Sanctuary with much needed medical care, comfort, and love. On behalf of Gonzo we thank you from the bottom of his little heart and ours. It is supporters like you that are the driving force behind what we do. 

Thank you to all of our followers and supporters for caring and for being a support to us during this difficult time.

Gonzo 2010-2024

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