Delicious Pumpkin

Our delicious Pumpkin is popping in this Thankful Thursday to say hello and show off her much-improved skin and adorable head tilt. 

While the world may not always be easy to live in, each and every one of you makes it possible for us to save the most unwanted dogs who seemingly have no hope; for that, we are forever grateful, and we believe they are, too.

Pumpkin is thankful for this second chance at life, to love and be loved. She enjoys every day to the fullest knowing that it’s a precious privilege to be alive – and it’s all because of YOUR support. 

Thank you for giving us the ability to do what we do!

Welcome Faith

Today, the Paws Give Me Purpose Team officially welcomed little Faith into Sanctuary! 

Her life mattered and without a doubt, she deserved this second chance. Many thank yous to all those involved in making this precious senior soul’s life better.

Thank you to our PGMP Texas mother-daughter team, Megan and Kathy, for loving, caring for and taking Faith to all her Vet appointments in order to get her healthy enough to make her way here to us. 

Thank you to the wonderful medical team at the Palestine Veterinary Hospital for giving our girl the best care possible – we never settle for anything else. 

Thank you to SWATT and our Flight Angel Tracy for transporting our girl in your loving arms safely all the way from Dallas. 

Thank you to our very own local transport volunteer Julie for picking little Faith up from Philadelphia airport and bringing her right to our Sanctuary doors in New Jersey. 

Last, but certainly not least, thanks to all of YOU! Faith’s rescue and arrival to Sanctuary would have never been possible without your generous support!

With Gratitude

On behalf of all the Sanctuary residents, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our 2024 Sanctuary Guardian Angels. 

Cassidy Sehgal-Kolbet
Chloe Tanuwidjaja
Dwayne Verrone
Kelley Esten
Leslie Harris
Margaret Callahan
Michael and Gina Watson

Thank you for becoming a Guardian Angel to our Sanctuary residents. All of us at Paws Give Me Purpose are so very grateful for your generosity. 

Your support helped make a difference in the lives of the dogs we cherish. YOU are all a major part of the work we do, and are the driving force behind us!