This is the face of a precious soul who is actually happy to be alive and receive the urgent and necessary medical care she has likely needed her entire life.
This is Bubbles’ face during daily fluid therapy which she receives nightly here at the Sanctuary – this therapy is necessary due to her Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
Bubbles is a diabetic, her blood sugar is monitored carefully and she receives 2 insulin shots per day; she is also eating a prescription diet to aid in her maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.
She has a heart murmur, very large hanging mammary tumors, as well as other masses throughout her body – Bubbles has cancer. She is underweight, suffers from dental disease, and on top of all this she is completely blind.

Bubbles is happy, active, comfortable and really seems to be happy to be here. Her smile lights up a room, she is happy, and feeling loved.
The goal right now for Bubbles is to minimize her stress levels and get her healthy enough to have the surgery necessary to remove the largest of the tumors in order to make her even more comfortable so she can fully enjoy her second chance at the life she should have had all along.
Please consider making a donation to help with Bubbles continuing care, and please consider becoming her Sanctuary sponsor.
Your gift toward Bubbles care will in turn help save more lives than you can imagine.
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