Brownie’s Heart

Today we are asking for all our staff, volunteers, followers, and supporters to send positive vibes and prayers as Brownie is on her way to an echo-cardiogram.

At her last Vet visit, a murmur and some crackling were detected. After having lived a life of neglect, being thrown out on to the street to fend for herself and being high heart-worm positive when she was found, we need to determine the actual severity of her heart problem.

With all of you by our side, Brownie will receive the expert medical care she needs and deserves in order to live her remaining golden years to the fullest.

Thank you for giving us the ability to do what we do!

One Reply to “Brownie’s Heart”

  1. ♥♥..
    ..sweet sweetest BROWNIE..
    my heart goes with you..
    as does my love..
    and my hope that all will be well..
    ..precious girl..

    ..I know Lea and all others involved
    will let us know.. arms are around you..
    darling girl..

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