Update On Our Little Angel

Angel was surrender at the age of 14 to an animal shelter with a request to euthanize her because she was “too old”.

What we have learned with the help of our Veterinarian is that Angel is a 4 pound Chihuahua who is frail from neglect. She is very thin, every bone in her little body sticks out, she has no teeth and her lower legs, feet and tail are urine stained. She has trouble walking properly, was never spayed, has pneumonia and there is evidence she was used for breeding.

Today we had a recheck at the Vet and thankfully her lungs are looking better! She will continue with treatment for at least another 2-3 weeks at which time a final set of radiographs will be taken to make sure her lungs are completely healed.

Angel is extremely sweet, and is enjoying being loved and spoiled by all of us here at Paws Give Me Purpose. Angel is a fighter and we hope and pray she will make a full recovery, and will enjoy her life here in sanctuary with the other pups.

We will never give up on Angel. Help us give Angel the wonderful life she truly deserves. Please help us continue to help Angel, and all the other pups here in Sanctuary! Donations are desperately needed, no amount is too small.


Fireworks Safety


It’s that time of year again, the Fourth of July, and that means fireworks. Fireworks can be quite scary for dogs, and believe it or not, the 4th of July and New Year’s Eve are the two days when pets go missing the most. This is largely due to them being frightened by fireworks and running away. Some dogs are not bothered by the sounds, but if your pooch is, here are some suggestions that can help.

Play it safe, never take your dogs to fireworks displays or leave them outside alone during fireworks. Keep them indoors and if possible, stay home with them. Keep all your windows, curtains, and blinds closed. There have been stories of frightened dogs that have attempted to jump through windows, even on higher floors.

To help your dog relax, turn on a radio that’s tuned to a classical music station, the TV, window air conditioning unit, fan, or dehumidifier to help drown out the sound of the fireworks. Distract your dog by playing games and be generous with treats for ignoring explosions (in addition to being a reward, food has a beneficial effect on their brain chemistry). A “Thundershirt” sold at most local pet supply stores, provides gentle, consistent pressure that can help your dog feel more secure and relaxed during fireworks displays and thunderstorms.

Supplements such as Melatonin and Rescue Remedy can work wonders to calm dogs, as does the use of the lavender essential oil. There are also many other natural calming supplements for dogs, including herbs, and homeopathic remedies, available at your local pet supply store – please consult your own Veterinarian before starting something new. 

One VERY important thing is to make sure that your pets are ALWAYS wearing collars or harnesses with an up-to-date ID tag and a microchip is also highly recommended; make sure it’s registered. 

It is up to us to keep our furry companions calm and comfortable. Follow the above suggestions to make your dog feel safe and secure this 4th of July, and share these tips with your family and friends!

Little Angel Update

Angel had radiographs yesterday to determine why she hasn’t been improving on the current medications.

Unfortunately, the news is not good – Angel has pneumonia. Her right lung looks so bad that the Veterinarian was very surprised she can even breathe.

Paws Give Me Purpose will do whatever is necessary to help her and give her everything she needs to have the life she truly deserves.

We will never give up on Angel.
Please help us help Angel,
donations are desperately needed!
