Angel was surrender at the age of 14 to an animal shelter with a request to euthanize her because she was “too old”.
What we have learned with the help of our Veterinarian is that Angel is a 4 pound Chihuahua who is frail from neglect. She is very thin, every bone in her little body sticks out, she has no teeth and her lower legs, feet and tail are urine stained. She has trouble walking properly, was never spayed, has pneumonia and there is evidence she was used for breeding.
Today we had a recheck at the Vet and thankfully her lungs are looking better! She will continue with treatment for at least another 2-3 weeks at which time a final set of radiographs will be taken to make sure her lungs are completely healed.
Angel is extremely sweet, and is enjoying being loved and spoiled by all of us here at Paws Give Me Purpose. Angel is a fighter and we hope and pray she will make a full recovery, and will enjoy her life here in sanctuary with the other pups.
We will never give up on Angel. Help us give Angel the wonderful life she truly deserves. Please help us continue to help Angel, and all the other pups here in Sanctuary! Donations are desperately needed, no amount is too small.