It Takes A Village

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Raising funds is at an all time low but we are working hard to make sure the dogs already here at Paws Give Me Purpose have all their needs met. That has to be our priority!

While we hate having to say no to pups in need, being limited on space and funding we have had no choice but to turn away dogs.

Our promise to the beautiful souls already here in Sanctuary is to provide a safe and loving environment for the rest of their lives. We need your support to continue to provide them with lifetime care.

Summer Pet Safety

As temperatures soar into the triple digits, it’s imperative we keep our pets cool and safe. Here are some hot weather safety tips to help you do just that!

Leave pets at home. Dogs cool themselves by panting which precipitates convection meaning their panting exchanges warm body temperature for cooler air outside. If the outside air isn’t significantly cooler than their body temp, their cooling system doesn’t work and they can get heat stroke.

Studies show that on a 75 degree day, temps inside a car (with windows cracked) can rise to 100 degrees in 10 minutes. Temps in dark-colored cars can rise even more, reaching temps of 200 degrees!

Keep plenty of fresh water accessible in deep bowls. All that heavy breathing takes a toll and dogs lose body moisture much faster than humans, so they should always have access to fresh, cool water. Deep bowls of cool water will stay chilled longer than shallow bowls, and you can also add ice to prolong the chill.

Avoid burnt paws. If the pavement is too hot for your bare feet, well guess what — it’s too hot for your dog’s paws. Always check the pavement before bringing your dog outside. If you can’t avoid walking your dog across hot pavement, invest in a product that protects your pups feet.

*Exercise early in the morning or late at night when the sun’s intensity is less. Even then, watch for signs of heat stress, some of which can include: excessive panting, increased salivation, glassy eyes, and pale gums.

To keep bored dogs occupied during the day, try making a “pupsicle”. It will help keep your dog cool and occupied for hours. Please check out the Frozen Goodies in the Recipe section of our website for some delicious and nutritious treats!

Do you suspect heat stroke? If you think your pet has overheated, place cool (not ice-cold, as this can do more harm), wet wash cloths on his head and neck, and cool compresses on his belly and under his back legs. Call your vet’s office immediately and seek their advice about next steps. Heat stroke can quickly lead to coma, cardiac arrest, or even death, so don’t hesitate to seek veterinary attention as soon as possible.

Brachycephalic (flat-faced) breeds may have a harder time cooling themselves in hot weather. Owners of flat-faced breeds like Pugs, Bulldogs, Boxers, Pekingese etc., should keep exercise to a minimum and take extra care to keep their dogs cool.

These summer safety tips apply to dogs in general, but no one knows your dog better than you. Summer is a terrific time to be a dog owner. It lets you run, swim, and play with your dog in nicer weather than any other time of the year. However, summer also brings unique risks to your dog’s health that you should keep in mind throughout the season.

Angel Progress Report

Angel was surrendered at the age of 14 to an animal shelter with a request to euthanize her because due to being “too old”. For 14 this little one has lots of spunk and she is full of life.

We have been busy treating all of her medical issues and she is making wonderful progress. She is taking her medications, and supplements like a champ! She is breathing better, eating better and is much more active and alert.

Angel is extremely sweet and is enjoying being loved and spoiled by all of us here at Paws Give Me Purpose. Angel is a fighter and we hope and pray she will make a full recovery, and will enjoy her life here in sanctuary with all the other pups. As soon as the Veterinarian gives the all clear that she is not contagious, we will slowly introduce her to the other tiny members of our Sanctuary.

We will never give up on Angel; please help us give Angel the wonderful life she truly deserves! Help us continue to help Angel, and all the other pups living here in Sanctuary!