Why Rescue

People continue to ask us the same question, why rescue – why put yourselves through the emotional roller coaster of working with abused, neglected and unwanted animals? That can only cause heartache.

Why don’t we just turn a blind eye? Helping a dog and seeing them blossom into a silly, loyal, wonderful companion, or just simply enjoying life here in Sanctuary is one of the most rewarding parts of canine rescue to us. The best feeling in the world is when that dog that spent 2 weeks in a corner afraid of people gets to the point of putting her head in your lap as if to say “thank you for saving me, I love you”.

Be the change you want to see in this world.

The future is bright for all the dogs we fight to protect thanks to you. The unwanted dogs here in Sanctuary have been given the gift of life because of you. Many of the difficult to adopt shelter and rescue dogs that have lingered for years have found forever homes because of you.

With you by our side, we can give these dogs, and many more, a fighting chance for many years to come. Our hearts are full and we know at the end of the day we make a difference in the lives that we are responsible for.

When you donate to Paws Give Me Purpose, you can save a dog’s life, you can even make a monthly pledge so you can save lives all year long.




PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/pawsgivemepurposeinc

Sponsor a sanctuary resident: https://www.pawsgivemepurpose.com/our-sanctuary-residents-1/

Labor Of Love: Salute To Dogs

Labor Day became an official holiday in 1885, when the first movements to legalize the holiday were put into motion. Since it remains unknown who exactly came up with the idea for Labor Day, it’s fair game to guess that perhaps a dog helped to inspire the idea; after all, dogs are incredibly hard-working, and happy while doing it.

You might be wondering, what sorts of jobs do dogs really have? Dogs can have all sorts of jobs, you never know, one day a working dog might help you.

Police use K-9 dogs to help catch criminals and keep the public safe, hospitals hire dogs as therapy workers, and dogs help farmers herd livestock. Search and rescue dogs save lives all of the time, as well as thousands of dogs working alongside the military.

Those that have a dog or two working alongside them don’t know what they would do without them, after all no human has the same capabilities as a dog. Do you know anyone that walks on two legs and can smell a bomb? I sure don’t!

Dogs all over the world work all kinds of jobs, and don’t do it for money but because they are our true friends. Dogs are incredibly loyal and caring, just give them food, water, shelter, and a few kisses and they are happy to be your best friend and enjoy doing whatever you ask.

Even if your dog lives a pampered life as the family pet, they are still working hard. It’s a proven fact that dog owners live longer than non-dog owners.

So, while paying tribute to all of the working people this Labor Day, don’t forget to pay tribute to all of the service dogs out there too. They work hard everyday to keep the world safe and full of smiles. Don’t forget to thank your own canine either, after all they work hard to keep you healthy and happy everyday of the year.

Fourteen And Fabulous

Angel was pulled from a high kill shelter and brought to Paws Give Me Purpose this past June. Her owner of 14 years had requested to have her euthanized.

Angel was clearly neglected, a walking bunch of bones, with overgrown nails, urine stained feet, no teeth, could barely walk, and she was suffering from pneumonia. It was very obvious she had been used for breeding and most recently we discovered she may have been debarked as well. This little girl does not even know how to play with toys – we can only imagine what her life must have been like.

The shelter staff saw a light of life in her eyes and there was no way they were going to follow through on the euthanasia request.

Angel has received much needed medical care, has put on some weight by eating healthy homemade dog foods/treats, takes supplements and receives tons of TLC on a daily basis.

Angel is a fighter and we never gave up on her! We too have seen that special light in her eyes, and a clear will to live and enjoy her golden years to the fullest.

Angel has overcome great obstacles and today she is healthy, 14 and feeling fabulous! Please help us to help other dogs like Angel. There are many just like her that deserve a second chance at life, and we cannot do this without YOU!


Angel is one of our Sanctuary residents and is also available for sponsorship. If anyone is interested in becoming Angel’s permanent lifetime sponsor please head over to:
