Spread The Love

The New Year has begun and it is our hope that 2020 will bring us the support necessary to continue our rescue mission.

We believe that all dogs deserve a second chance at life – especially seniors, those with physical disabilities, terminal illness, behavioral issues or have been abused and need someone to care for, love, and understand them.

These dogs came to us because no one else stepped up to help them during their time of need. Our sanctuary is a home for those who have none. We provide love and special care to our sanctuary dogs – here at Paws Give Me Purpose, we have hearts like dogs.

Our promise to these beautiful souls is to provide a safe and loving environment for the rest of their lives. We need your support to continue to provide them with lifetime care.

Our mission would never be successful without all of YOU!

$25 provides one week of care for a sanctuary resident
$75 provides basic medical care for a sanctuary resident
$100 provides one month of care for a sanctuary resident
$150 includes basic and medical care for one month for a sanctuary resident

Please consider sponsoring one of our Sanctuary residents. Your love and kindness ensures that we are able to provide care for our current residents and continue to rescue others in need.


Epitome Of The Holiday Spirit

Our little Angel epitomizes how we would describe the holiday spirit. It is something that brings out the best in all of us. Dogs like Angel inspire us to become even better human beings.

Because of supporters like you, we have been able to give all the dogs living here is Sanctuary at Paws Give Me Purpose the best gift possible, new life.

Please consider making a holiday contribution to our animals during this wonderful season of giving.

Thank you for your continued support; we value each and every one of you! Merry Christmas!

Tax ID #83-1947922

Home Is Where The Heart Is

For Paco and others like him, the residents here at Paws Give Me Purpose Sanctuary take time to learn that not all humans are unkind, and what it’s truly like to be loved.

Our Sanctuary residents all require medical care, emotional support or behavior training (some may even need all three) This is when they need you the most.

When you donate to Paws Give Me Purpose, you can save a dog’s life. When you give monthly, you can save lives all year long.


Website: https://www.pawsgivemepurpose.com/donate/

PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/pawsgivemepurposeinc