My Fuzzy Valentine


On Thursday, Houston was seen by both our Veterinarian and Behaviorist, and he did extremely well. After just spending a few minutes with them he warmed up and was climbing right into everyone’s lap for attention.

As we suspected, Houston does have a couple medical issues going on. He has a very serious inner ear infection, which was affecting his hearing in one ear, and it was likely very painful. Thankfully it was treated immediately!

His blood test results revealed that his liver values are also not too good, in fact, the Veterinarian said for a dog this young she’s very surprised. This damage is most likely due to all the different “cocktails” of medications he has been prescribed over the years to curtail his bad behaviors. He was simply too young to be medicated so much. We are going to be weaning him off some of the medication, monitor carefully and recheck blood work again in March.

Both the Veterinarian and Behaviorist concur with us that Houston’s issues are all fear based; this beautiful soul never learned to trust. Trust is an essential component of the human canine relationship.

Dogs that do not trust their owner are unlikely to obey commands, foster a bond, or truly become a member of the family; in addition to this, dogs that show lack of trust may seem unfriendly or untrainable, which unfortunately, can result in the dog being surrendered or abandon in order find another home.

Reactivity, aggression and anxiety are symptoms of fear, which is important to understand before trying to change any behavior. Many times, people focus on changing the cringing, wincing or even charging behavior instead of the cause, which is fear. Some dogs are just much more fearful than others.

Houston does not require Sanctuary, he is a highly adoptable dog, and his behaviors are very manageable. We are recommending a quiet adult only home with a couple something like a 55 and older couple or those with children who are in college and have the time to devote to him. Savvy dog experienced individuals who will be patient and give him the time he needs to decompress, learn to trust, and adjust to his new environment without overwhelming him. Houston warms up quickly and really just wants to be a lap dog and receive all your love and attention possible.

Houston is about 2 years old, believed to be a Chihuahua Lab Mix, and weighs about 25 pounds. He is completely housebroken, crate trained and knows his basic commands plus. He loves belly rubs, enjoys a good massage, and climbing into a lap to cuddle up to his people.

As for other dogs, we recommend either he be the only dog in a home, or a home with one other laid back dog around Houston’s size at most – he gets too overwhelmed otherwise. 

We’ve seen shy dogs with mild fears become more confident in a few short weeks, and have also seen dogs take up to two years before they actually felt comfortable. Whatever amount of time it takes, the time and investment in Houston will be worth it!

Since we are a Sanctuary, and normally do not handle adoptions, applications for Houston will be processed by Yorkie911 Rescue.

To fill out an application for Houston, please head over to:

If you are not in the position to adopt please share Houston so we can find him a forever home! 

Untold Story Inside You

Dogs can’t tell us what they’re feeling, so it can be difficult for us to determine the right course of action when it comes to resolving behavior problems. Behavior issues can be very complex, and some bad behavior can actually start out as medical issues and then sadly turn into a habit.

Although poor manners and behaviors like pulling on a leash, jumping on people or stealing food off the table are obvious training issues, others can be more serious behavior issues that may actually stem from a medical condition.

We are starting to see some medical issues with Houston. According to the medical and behavioral records we received upon his arrival, Houston has been taking many different medications combined with CBD oil to control his behavior for a long time. We have also noticed that he may be a tad over vaccinated.

We have begun to slowly wean him off some of these medications, and have been noticing signs that there may be underlying medical issues present. Houston may or may not need to stay on some medication down the road, but in order to assess him properly we need to see the full picture.

This Thursday, our Veterinarian will be coming out to the Sanctuary to see Houston and we do feel he needs a very thorough exam. Virtually any medical condition can present with behavioral symptoms, and this is something we need to rule out in order to help Houston be the best dog he can be!

Stay tuned right here for updates as we get to know the real Houston a bit better.

If you are interested in adopting this stunning boy, applications will be processed by Yorkie911 Rescue. To fill out an application for Houston, please head over to:

Feeling Safe And Loved

True love is dedication to a cause, it is a willingness to fight for and protect them… 

Meet Houston! Houston was rescued from Houston, Texas during Hurricane Harvey by Yorkie 911 Rescue almost 2 years ago. Being such an adorable, young pup there was no doubt he would be adopted quickly, and he was. Unfortunately over the last couple years while in his home, Houston began exhibiting behavior issues and the family decided to return him to the rescue.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of the complaints, the rescue was not able to accommodate Houston with an appropriate foster environment to assess the situation and turned to us for help. We did not want to see Houston end up in a shelter, so Houston the dog came to Paws Give Me Purpose. His story touched our hearts so deeply, that we could not say no to helping this frightened little boy.

Houston is about 2 years old, believed to be a Chihuahua Lab Mix, weighing about 25 pounds. He is physically very fit, his vaccinations are up to date and he has been neutered. Although his family loved him dearly, his issues were simply more than they could handle.

Houston is completely housebroken, crate trained and knows his basic commands plus. He loves belly rubs and really enjoys a good massage. We have learned that he does have some fears and is a bit people selective. Certain objects, quick movements, large trucks and school buses passing him by do cause some reactivity, but if calmly spoken to he will calm down. He loves going for walks, and is a bit leash reactive toward strangers and other dogs walking down the street, but again takes corrections easily.

He enjoys pets and cuddling up to his people. If he doesn’t seem to like you, he does growl a bit letting you know he’s uncomfortable, and this is a normal form of dog communication and simply warns you to step away. We have not seen any aggressive snapping, food, space or toy guarding.

Houston does not seem to want to play with toys and ignores them, he is also not interested in bully sticks or chews of that nature. His favorite treats are the Edible Nylabone Sweet Potato bones, and he has begun to enjoy the homemade meals and treats we prepare here at the Sanctuary.

Most of the issues we have seen with Houston are very common and manageable. He has been through so much trauma and change in his young life that we are not surprised that he has fear based issues. Houston is a fun loving boy who is very sweet and affectionate once he comes out of his shell.

Here at Paws Give Me Purpose Inc., we provide a safe, loving and protected environment for dogs that do not have homes. Sometimes dogs come to us so ill or emotionally damaged, that re-homing them is not in their best interest. We offer Sanctuary and lots of love for these dogs for the rest of their lives. Our residents receive exceptional Veterinary care, behavioral help if necessary, physical, emotional comfort, companionship and the enrichment they need to thrive the rest of their days. We are their forever home.

Houston is what we consider a sensitive dog here at Paws Give Me Purpose. We do feel that Houston is a young dog who needs proper guidance, is a highly adoptable dog, and really does not require Sanctuary. He will be a wonderful companion in the right home, but we are recommending an adult only home.

Houston really deserves a home where someone will be patient with him, and understand his needs. A savvy, experienced individual(s) who will be committed to him and will put in the time needed to gain his trust. A quiet adult only home would be best, with not a lot of people traffic going in and out. He really needs a calm environment that doesn’t have a lot of company and understands that he really just wants to be around his people.

Houston has an appointment on Thursday to meet with our Veterinarian and Behavioral expert here at the Sanctuary. To help us with Houston’s care, please use any of the donation options below. Stay tuned for an update.

We know that Houston’s future is bright, and in the right home environment he will excel. We are hoping and praying that he doesn’t have to wait too long before someone will open their heart and home to a wonderful dog like him. We guarantee you will fall in love when you meet him!

Since we are a Sanctuary, and normally do not handle adoptions, applications for Houston will be processed by Yorkie911 Rescue. To fill out an application for Houston, please head over to:

If you are interested in sponsoring Houston or any of our Sanctuary residents you can do so at the following link:



By Mail:
Paws Give Me Purpose Inc.
2 Jade Lane
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002