What Makes Us Different

Paws Give Me Purpose Inc. takes in dogs who were alone, injured, neglected, abused, and/or no longer wanted. These pups hope for life, for love, and someone to make everything alright. We take in a never ending stream of sad, hopeful and fearful faces that look to us to make it all better.

What distinguishes Paws Give Me Purpose Inc. from other rescues is our philosophy that the Sanctuary residents come first. We act on behalf of the animals, and the staff and volunteers here all work under the notion that all animals in our Sanctuary, human and non-human, are of equal importance.

Sanctuary, defined as a place of peace, refuge or safety. A place where people/animals can live and be protected. This is what we do here at Paws Give Me Purpose; we treat every dog that comes through our doors with excellent care, compassion and love. When our dogs play in the play yard, you can see them finally let go and feel free for perhaps the first time in their lives. 

Here, we believe that all dogs deserve a second chance at life – especially seniors, those with physical disabilities, terminal illness, behavioral issues, have been abused and need someone to care for, love, and understand them. 

On occasion, we house dogs that can be rehabilitated and move on to forever homes, but most are here to just live out their days in Sanctuary sleeping, cuddling and hanging out with their other doggie friends.

It is heartbreaking to realize that somewhere in the world, there are dogs who are neglected and are left to live in misery, without people to love them back. Sometimes dogs come to us so ill or emotionally damaged; re-homing them is not in their best interest. We offer Sanctuary and lots of love for these dogs for the rest of their lives.

One of the most important missions here at Paws Give Me Purpose, beyond caring for the animals, is educating the public. The ultimate goal is to change the way that humans think of, and treat, dogs with special needs.

These dogs came to us when no one else stepped up to help them during their time of need. Our sanctuary is a home for those who have none. We provide love and special care to these dogs who might otherwise never know what it’s like to be loved and cared for. Our promise to these beautiful souls is to provide a safe and loving environment for the rest of their lives.

Honoring Their Service

Today we remember, honor and thank all those who have served our country, the two-legged and four-legged veterans, too.

A brief history for those not familiar; Veterans Day is dedicated to American veterans of all wars. The federal holiday is observed annually on November 11 and was formerly known as Armistice Day to mark the end of World War I.

World War I formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 when the armistice with Germany went into effect. It officially became an official federal holiday in the United States in 1938. In 1954, Congress voted to swap the word “armistice” for “veterans,” making it the day to honor all American veterans of war.

Soldiers rely greatly on their canine comrades. Dogs have served in all branches of the military at the side of soldiers, working to help detect mines, bombs, guard our armed forces, patrol, fight in combat and so much more. Because of their superior senses, each military dog saves the lives of an estimated 150 to 200 servicemen and women. They even play a large role once back at home, by serving as emotional support and PTSD dogs.

The love, sacrifice, and service of all our Veterans simply blows us away! As we celebrate our nation’s human heroes this Veterans Day, let’s also salute the military dogs saving lives on and off the battlefield. K9 service dogs deserve to be celebrated every day, in fact, all dogs do.

From all of us here at Paws Give Me Purpose Inc. we salute our human and K9 Veterans and thank them all for their service to our citizens, community and country.

Help Needed Now

We need your help, and we need it now!

With Paws Give Me Purpose Sanctuary already at capacity and with low medical funds, we had closed intake. We were seriously focusing on paying off bills and rebuilding our medical fund and working hard to make sure that the dogs here in Sanctuary have all their needs met. That has to be our priority!

But, when a volunteer reached out to us on Friday pleading for help at 3:30pm from a high kill municipal shelter that these three senior dogs, who no one else wanted, only had until 5pm before they were euthanized, our hearts would not let us say no.

While we hate to continue to ask for money, we know that in order to sustain operations and help these dogs, it is what we must do.

We ask that you please open your hearts and send your most generous gift to help us with their urgent medical care. No amount is too small.

PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/pawsgivemepurposeinc