Hi, it’s me Blossom, one of the Paws Give Me Purpose Sanctuary residents. Yesterday was my 6th Birthday and I am truly feeling lucky to be alive! Happy Birthday to me, and thank you for helping give Paws Give Me Purpose the ability to help me.
I have been living here in sanctuary for most of my life and I’m extremely grateful to have this chance. My story is pretty lengthy so I am just sharing the important things I want you to know.
For those of you who don’t know my story, I was a neglected and abused dog rescued from a Georgia shelter. I was labeled aggressive, untrainable, and sentenced to death.
I arrived at Paws Give Me Purpose hating all humans and animals of every kind. I was shut down and hid in the corner of my room for 2 weeks. I wouldn’t come out to even eat or drink until it was dark and no one was around. In fact, the people here were told to give up on me because I could not be helped. I do admit, I caused a lot of trouble and can still be a handful behavior wise, but Paws Give Me Purpose never gave up on me.
In addition to trust issues, I am a very fearful dog who responds badly to what I see as scary situations. Just being transported into rescue, I escaped and ran away into a swamp, and I still won’t get near or in any vehicle willingly.
Random sounds and quick movements set me off, I used to see a leash come out to take another dog for a walk and I would urinate right where I stood out of fear. Often, I would lash out and attack another dog if something spooked me, but again, Paws Give Me Purpose did not give up on me; they must really love me.
One of the most important things I have learned is that I am NOT an aggressive dog — I am just a sensitive dog. My horrible past has left me with mental scars that causes me to associate being surrounded by certain actions, or hearing certain sounds with bad memories.
Due to my inability to adjust to change like other dogs it was decided that it was in my best interest to live here in sanctuary. People who had never met me and knew nothing about me told the staff here that they should “humanely euthanize” me and move on, but Paws Give Me Purpose never gave up on me, and I will never give up on them.
There is an outside world of noise and strangers and thanks to Paws Give Me Purpose, I have a home, and the help I need. I live in sanctuary and have learned to trust. I have learned that humans can love, and I have learned to love dogs too, although I am extremely selective. I have bonded very closely with just one dog here, wherever she goes, I go.
For the first time in my life I feel safe and loved. I am alive today because of the wonderful supporters like you! Because of you, I receive expert medical care, receive behavioral help, and have a place to live where I am safe, people love me and treat me with kindness. I have truly regained faith in humans, and although I will never love every dog or person I meet, I have learned how to control my inappropriate behaviors.
I am told every day that I am loved, no matter what bad thing I do. I have been told by the people here that they can see the beauty of my soul and that life has been put back into my eyes when clearly I had given up. The sheer bliss on my face that they see every day is indescribable and has made the struggle with me worth it!
My story is just a glimpse into the kind of things they do here at Paws Give Me Purpose. I want you to know where your generous financial, food, bedding, toys, chews; all your donations are going. Please consider making a donation in order to help Paws Give Me Purpose continue to give myself and the rest of the Sanctuary pups the best life ever.
Help them continue their great work so they can help more pups just like me who are unwanted and need a special place to live out their days feeling safe and loved.
Love, Blossom